117 Brock St. North

Whitby, Ontario, L1N 4H3

(905) 668-8839 Email





Welcome To Nice-Bistro!

Bonjour, Nice-Bistro is located at 117 Brock St. North, in Whitby (North of Hwy 2) 905-668-8839. HOURS: Tuesday to Saturday lunch 11:30-2:30 and dinner 5:30 until closing.

**** We are closed April 18th and re-opened on Wed. April 23rd. We apologize for any inconvenience. Joyeuses Pâques/Happy Easter. Merci.

Take our virtual tour

Click on Jazz Picture for our monthly Live Jazz & Dinner @ $39.99 Wed. April 30 Zoé Chilco Duo and May 28 Larry Bond Duo

Nice Bistro has been listed since 2004, in the restaurant guide "Where To Eat in Canada", and has won the "Smart Eat Award" from Durham Region since 2000. In 2005, The Whitby Chamber of Commerce honoured the restaurant with "Skills, Training and Development Award" and in 2009, Nice Bistro won the award "Lauriers de la PME pour Micro entreprise RDEE Ontario".

The restaurant is comfortable, with a mediterranean decor, with warm greetings from Manon and Bernard ,as well as their two sons, Philippe and Olivier.

Chef Bernard says his goal is "... to provide the best quality product in an environment that showcases the food while remaining humble and approachable for all". Chef Bernard's likes to promote the "Slow food industry", and whenever possible creates dishes using local Farmer's produce.

Chef Bernard has apprenticed in Nice, Québec City, New York and Miami and is Red Seal Certified through the Canadian Culinary Federation Fédération Culinaire Canadienne and is a member of Les Amis d'Escoffier.

Your visit to Nice-Bistro will leave you with warm memories and taste sensations that will make you come back!

Et maintenant en français.

Bienvenue chez Nice-Bistro !

Nice-Bistro est une destination de choix à Whitby depuis 1993, et est situé au 117 Brock St. N. Tél. 905-668-8839.

Nice Bistro été listé à plusieurs reprises dans le prestigieux guide des restaurants "Where To Eat In Canada", et a remporté le ‘Smart Eat Award’ de la Région de Durham depuis 2000.

En 2005, la Chambre de commerce de Whitby a honoré le restaurant avec le "Skills, Training and Development Award".

En 2009, Nice-Bistro a remporté le prix des "Lauriers de la PME pour Micro entreprise RDEE Ontario".

Une atmosphère confortable dans un décor méditerranéen, et un accueil chaleureux de la part de Manon, Bernard et de leurs fils Philippe et Olivier. Vous y serez reçu comme un membre de la famille.

Le but de Chef Bernard est "... d’offrir un produit de la plus haute qualité, qui met en valeur la nourriture, tout en demeurant discret et accessible à tous ». Chef Bernard aime faire la promotion de l’écogastronomie, et de créer le plus souvent possible, des plats qui utilisent les produits provenant des marchés fermiers locaux.

Vous repartirez de votre visite chez Nice-Bistro avec de bons souvenirs et des sensations gustatives qui vous feront y revenir !

Chef Bernard Alberigo a fait son apprentissage dans sa ville natale de Nice, puis comme chef dans plusieurs villes telles que Québec, New York, Miami et Toronto. Bernard est détenteur du certificat du Sceau rouge décerné par l’entremise de la Fédération Culinaire Canadienne, il est également membre de la prestigieuse société « Les Amis d’Escoffier ».

REVIEWS/RELEASES What people are saying about Nice Bistro

New review from "Where to Eat In Canada" for 2012

" It's almost twenty years since Bernard Alberigo and his wife, Manon opened this Bistro in Whitby. They've worked hard and kept their standards high, and we've seldom heard a word of criticism. The menu aims to marry Canadian produce like maple syrup with French recipes. You'll find some of the best things among the daily specials on the chalkboard-soup of the day, the country style pate and the snails in garlic butter. Of course they also have steak frites,moules mariniere and steak au poivre. Nice isn't far from Italy and so it's no surprise to find tortelloni stuffed with spinach and figs on the menu. On Tuesday night they offer all the mussels you can eat. On Thursday there's a four course table d'hote for $30 a head ($39.99 on Wed. jazz nights). The cheeseboard is ambitious and well maintained. Manon is in charge of the sweets, and the wine -list is always full of good things"


Other review sites:

The Fridge Whisperer



Urban Spoon

Snap Whitby



Nice Bistro Special




