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Community & Awards

Nice Bistro and it's hosts, Manon and Bernard are deeply connected to and commited to their local community and industry.

They support youth education in languages and culinary arts for all ages with tours, off site presentations and sponsoring apprentices. They also participate locally in community and business events and tackle world issues by supporting "Green" and "Fair Trade" initiatives.

Nice Bistro Earns "Eat Smart!" Award of Excellence

Through its "Award of Excellence" program, Eat Smart! offers recognition to Ontario restaurants that meet exceptional standards in nutrition, food safety and non-smoking seating. This program was developed in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Community and Health Promotion Branch; Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario; Canadian Cancer Society (Ontario Division); Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; local public health units; heart health programs; the food service industry and consumers.

Nice Bistro has been the recipient of the "Award of Excellence" for seven years running.

Nice Bistro joins committee

By training apprentices, Nice Bistro ensures that their skills are passed on. This benefits the apprentices who learn more than just techniques - they learn from seasoned professionals all about the attitudes and passion it takes to become a successful entrepreneur in the restaurant industry.

Nice Bistro Supports Apprenticeship Programs through the Durham Board of Education

The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) would not be as successful as it now is without the unique partnership that exists between employers and the Co-op program. For many years students and employers have both benefitted from the High School Co-op program; the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program takes Co-op just one step further. OYAP is a program which offers students the opportunity to begin an apprenticeship while still in high school.

Nice Bistro takes on Secondary School apprentices each semester.

Nice Bistro Commits to Purchasing Only "Fair Trade" Coffee

Many coffee farmers around the world receive market payments that are lower than the costs of production, forcing them into a cycle of poverty and debt.

Fair Trade works to correct these imbalances by guaranteeing a minimum wage for producers' harvests and by encouraging organic, sustainable cultivation methods. Fair trade farmers are provided badly needed credit and assured a minimum of $1.26 per pound. In comparison, the world price usually hovers around $1 per pound, but most farmers earn less than 50 cents per pound since they are forced to sell to middlemen. With the profits generated from receiving fair wages, coffee growers can invest in health, education, and environmental protection.

Partners & Links

Tourism Durham
Tourism in the Countryside Just East of Toronto in Durham Region

Whitby Chamber of Commerce
The Whitby Chamber of Commerce is the recognized voice of business, providing leadership and innovation of services.

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117 Brock Street North
Whitby, Ontario, L1N 4H3
905.668.8839     Email: